
The empowerment of aerobic capacity is pivotal for maintaining athletes’ health, and beneficial because it allows the organism to function in a more efficient way, delaying at the same time muscular and cardio-respiratory fatigue. Moreover, it helps the body to have quicker cardio-respiratory restoration after high intensity sessions.

Athletes with high levels of aerobic capacity are capable to move more nutritive elements and oxygen to the muscles via the cardiovascular system, which is an asset, because it helps the muscles to function more efficiently. The maximum rate of oxygen consumption represents the body’s ability to function in high intensity and for prolonged time, an ability that has positive association to athletic performance.

Isokinetic Dynamometer Testing

Athletes are often recorded with muscle imbalance between quadriceps and hamstrings, inner/outer thighs in the pelvic girdle and the subscapularis/ infraspinatus of the rotator cuff. The readings of isokinetic dynamometer provide information about the rate of strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower limbs, and can indicate possible deficits concerning maximum strength, force and muscle endurance.

Jumping Ability

Jumping ability is important for athletic performance in dynamic sports. The measuring of vertical jump height and the ground contact time during single or/and repetitive jumps indicates force and counterforce levels on each foot of the athlete.

Flexibility and Agility

Flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, the range of joint motion and the whole-body agility skills (ability to change direction while moving with minimal muscle dynamic loss) can distinguish the highly qualified athletes. After a series of quick and effective tests to assess the neuromuscular function, athletes can focus on specialized exercises that improve their kinesthetic skills.

Balance and Proprioception

The sense of balance and the development of proprioceptive abilities have a positive impact on athletic performance. A set of specialized measurements determine the ability to smoothly distribute and control body weight while executing basic motor prototypes. High levels of proprioceptive ability significantly decrease the frequency of injuries.

Blood lactate concentration indicates the “anaerobic threshold”, and thus how the body responds to intense exercise. This information is essential in order to build a proper and solid training program. Low levels of lactate in the muscles during prolonged and strenuous sport activity indicate excellent physical condition, which allows the athlete to maintain high performance for longer periods. Individualized training zones are designed, based on the above measurements, in order to increase the athlete’s metabolic endurance.

Muscle mass measurement, bone mineral density assessment, total body fat and fat partitioning as a percentage of total body fat are measurements that can indicate morphological/anatomical imbalances of the upper and lower limbs, and analyze them with accuracy. It is a quick and painless procedure for every active person who wants to be informed about the fat distribution and muscle mass of their body.

Body composition profiling includes skinfold measurement by the extensive use of a skinfold caliper. This method determines the percentage of total body fat tissue and, additionally, the total fat-free mass. During the measurement, the body composition is also assessed via the bioelectric impedance analysis, which estimates the total percentage of body water.

This service is based on the analytical and scientifically validated assessment of the athletes’ dietary intake, following an individualized interview. After the evaluation of the given information and through the use of acknowledged dietary software, the athletes are informed of the quality of their dietary habits and they are given personalized advice, concerning their game/training needs and any dietary deficiencies that may occur in a year’s time. Advice on correct and rational use of nutritional supplements is also given, according to personal needs.

OThe genetic profile may provide valuable information concerning the potential body functionality. Recent studies correlate the presence of specific genes with the individual’s potential to achieve high performance in particular sports activities, the potential to show quick recovery between sessions, and also possible susceptibility to respiratory infections or musculoskeletal injuries. The genetic profile may also suggest to the athlete of his/hers inclination to a particular sports activity and predisposition to injury.

The athlete’s psychomotor health profiling is conducted via personal meetings and assessments, and with scientific tools that focus on psychological parameters. Concurrently, using specialized optometric equipment, an evaluation of the athlete’s response to external audiovisual stimuli is reported (recognition of meaningful stimuli and measurement of reaction time). Additionally, he/she is given training on effective relaxation and concentration techniques prior to high-intensity training periods or competitions.