Promoting the participation of children with disabilities in physical, recreational and sports activities


Physical activity, through exercise, play and sport, is of particular and vital importance for a child’s physical growth, motor development, mental, emotional and social well-being, as well as for cognitive and learning performance. However, children with disabilities, who suffer from motor, cognitive, behavioral, or even sensory disorders, encounter many barriers regarding their inclusion and full participation in physical, recreational and sports activities.

To whom we address:

  • Medical Doctors
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech Therapists
  • School Nurses
  • Physical Education Teachers/Coaches
  • Special Physical Education Teachers
  • Educators
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Other professionals dealing with special education


The purpose of the Educational Program is to provide participants with the knowledge and practical skills needed to:

  • recognize the limitations that lead to or result from the lack of physical exercise and activity
  • design and recommend individualized and appropriate physical activity programs for participation in game, recreation, and sports

Objectives of Educational Program for participants is to:

  • be informed and aware of the value of the participation of children with disabilities in physical, recreational and sports activities
  • acquire the necessary theoretical and practical training in the recognition and assessment not only of the basic clinical characteristics presented by children with motor, developmental and cognitive-perceptual problems, but also of the special pathological-problematic conditions that affect and make it difficult the participation in activities, in order to be able to indicate a safe and properly adapted activity in terms of the type (of the game, the sport), the equipment, the technical characteristics and the time parameters, with the ultimate aim of maximizing the participation, optimizing the performance and injury prevention.
  • gain knowledge to find and recognize appropriate means and information to be provided in the family and school environment to remove barriers to the participation of children with disabilities in physical, recreational and sports activities
  • develop the appropriate knowledge needed to support health, school and community organizations in providing opportunities for physical activity to children with disabilities.

Modules – Courses

Special Medical Conditions That Impede Participation in Activities: What They Are and How They Affect Children with Disabilities

Learning objectives: Recognizing the difficulties and challenges that affect individuals’ with disability participation in physical, sports and recreational activities (e.g., reduced flexibility with joint contractures, seizures, hearing/vision loss, cardiopulmonary disease, pressure ulcers, atlantoaxial instability, autonomic dyreflexia).

Neurogenetic Diseases: Psychological and Physical Deficits that Limit Activity

Learning objectives: Learning the most common neurogenetic diseases and recognizing their main symptoms that impede individual’s participation in physical activity.

Chromosomal Syndromes: Psychological and Physical Deficits That Limit Activity

Learning objectives: Learning the most common chromosomal syndromes and recognizing their main symptoms that impede individual’s participation in physical activity.

KINEMS: A therapeutic technological tool for learning basic motor skills for children with disabilities

Learning Objectives: Understanding and learning how KINEMS operates and how it can be used as a therapeutic tool and the benefits of technology in learning functional and motor skills.

Common Mental Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: Psychobehavioural Deficits that limit Activity

Learning Objectives: Recognizing common mental disorders in childhood and adolescence and understanding the impact of psycho-behavioral deficiencies on physical activity.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Psychological and Physical Deficits That Limit Activity

Learning objectives: Recognizing of the clinical picture and the main symptoms of ASD that impede individual’s participation in physical activity.

Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensorimotor Deficits that Limit Activity

Learning objectives: Recognizing the clinical picture and key features of sensory processing disorders and how they affect movement.

Visual Impairments and Blindness: Sensorimotor Deficits That Limit Activity

Learning objectives: Recognition of the clinical picture and the main characteristics of blindness that impede individual’s participation in physical activity.

Recording History

Learning Objectives: Learning how to record individuals’ history through the completion of a special form for children with disabilities, based on forms from American medical organizations, including the Physical Activity Vital Sign tool.

Using the “F-Words” to set goals for children with disabilities

Learning Objectives: Understanding how the F-Words are part of the assessment of children’s with disabilities clinical picture and how they can become part of adapted therapeutic programs.

The Art of Possibilities with Disabilities – The Case of Cerebral Palsy

Learning Objectives: Highlighting the potential of individuals with cerebral palsy through increased physical activity and their inclusion in the social framework.

Developing Adapted, Personalized and Safe Physical Activity Programs for Children with Disabilities

Learning objectives:

(a) Design of modified exercise protocols

(b) Application of specially adapted and protective equipment for effective, efficient and safe participation

Alternative and Augmentative Communication and Its Use to Enhance Participation in Activities

Learning Objectives: Understanding the importance of alternative and augmented communication in the daily lives of children with disabilities.

Guidelines for Children’s Activity on a 24-hour Basis

Learning objectives: Knowledge and understanding of the 24-hour movement/activity guidelines for children.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder – Managing and Approaching Children on the Spectrum

Learning Objectives: Guiding principles regarding the approach to autistic individuals – New insights.

Promotion of Sexual Health in Individuals with Disabilities

Learning Objectives: Informing and educating professionals about the importance of sexual health. Hormones, biological onset of puberty, transition from childhood to adolescence, and from adolescence to adulthood.

Psychomotor Education as an Approach to Promoting the Participation of Children with Disabilities in Physical Activities

Learning Objectives: The importance of psychomotor education as a therapeutic method to promote physical activity and participation in children with disabilities.

Adapted Sports and Physical Activities for Children with Disabilities

Learning objectives: Knowledge and recognition of adapted sports and physical activities. Knowledge of an international contributor to research regarding participation for disabled children. Deeper knowledge about adapted physical activities for different kind of disabilities. How to address contraindications or barriers for participation. Application of specially adapted equipment for increased participation. How to avoid strain injuries when introducing new activities. Greater understanding of factors that affect physical activity and participation throughout life. Understanding of the benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration between agencies involved in disabled children’s everyday lives. Adaptations of surroundings and activity aids to promote increased level of skill and self-efficacy. How physical activity participation is best supported

New Evidence-Based Therapeutic Interventions to Promote Participation in Physical, Recreational & Sports Activities

Learning Objectives: New insights into the rehabilitation of children with disabilities aimed at promoting their participation in a variety of activities.






University General Hospital “ATTIKON”



COORDINATION: P. Koulouvaris | Ch. Tsolakis | V. Skoutelis

09:00-09:30    Special Medical Conditions That Impede Participation in Activities: What They Are and How They Affect Children with Disabilities | E. MITSIOKAPA

09:30-10:00    Neurogenetic Diseases: Psychological and Physical Deficits that Limit Activity | M. SPANOU

10:00-10:30    Chromosomal Syndromes: Psychological and Physical Deficits That Limit Activity | M. GIORGI

10:30-11:00    KINEMS: A therapeutic technological tool for learning basic motor skills for children with disabilities | S. RETALIS

11:00-11:30     BREAK

11:30-12:00    Common Mental Disorders During Childhood and Adolescence: Psychobehavioral Deficits That Limit Activity | G. TRIANTAFYLLOU – E. DIAMANTI

12:00-12:30    Autism Spectrum Disorder: Psychological and Physical Deficits That Limit Activity | N. PERVANIDOU

12:30-13:00    Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensorimotor Deficits That Limit Activity | S. VEGGOU

13:00-13:30    Visual Impairments and Blindness: Sensorimotor Deficits That Limit Activity | T. BUSSI

13:30-14:00    Recording History | F. PAPITSI

END of DAY 1



COORDINATION: P. Koulouvaris | Ch. Tsolakis | V. Skoutelis

09:00-09:30    Using the “F-Words” to set goals for children with disabilities | Ι. BOGA – T. PANAGOPOULOS

09:30-10:00    The art of possibilities with disabilities – the case of cerebral palsy | SIRI KVAALE JORDAL

10:00-10:30    Developing Adapted, Personalized and Safe Physical Activity Programs for Children with Disabilities| KJERSTI LINNES

10:30-11:00    Alternative and Augmentive Communication and Its Use to Enhance Participation in Activities | E. GERMANY

11:00-11:30     Guidelines for Children’s Activity On a 24-Hour Basis | V. Skoutelis

11:30-12:00    Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders – Managing and Approaching Children on the Spectrum | E. HELAS

12:00-12:30    BREAK

12:30-13:00    Promotion of Sexual Health in Individuals with Disabilities | S. KYMPOUROPOULOS

13:00-13:30    Psychomotor Education as an Approach to Promoting the Participation of Children with Disabilities in Physical Activities | A. KAMPAS

13:30-14:00    Adapted Sports and Physical Activities for Children with Disabilities | E. SKORDILIS

14:00-14:30    New Evidence-Based Therapeutic Interventions to Promote Participation in Physical, Recreational & Sports Activities | V. SKOUTELIS

14:30-15:00    CONCLUSIONS


Panayiotis J. Papagelopoulos |Professor & Chairman of the 1st Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic of Medical School of National Kapodistrian University of Athens | Attikon University General Hospital

Argirios Dinopoulos | Professor of Paediatric Neurology | Director of 3rd Paediatric Clinic, Medical School of National Kapodistrian University of Athens | Attikon University General Hospital

Panagiotis Koulouvaris | Assistant Professor | 1st Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic of Medical School of National Kapodistrian University of Athens | Attikon University General Hospital | Scientific Director of Sports Excellence

Charilaos Tsolakis | Professor of Physical Education and Sports Sciences | Director of Sports Excellence

Evanthia Mitsiokapa | Consultant Physiatrist | Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | “Sotiria” Athens General Hospital

Vasilios Ch. Skoutelis | Physiotherapist for Children| Attikon University General Hospital