Experience Sports Excellence : Rutgers University Student’s internship

Sports Excellence supports the development of collaborations with Academic and Research Institutes within and outside Greece. This June, we had the pleasure and the honor to welcome 12 students from the Rutgers University of New Jersey / Rutgers University as part of their internship. The students of the Department of Kinesiology of the American University welcomed Mr. Koulouvaris Panagiotis, Assistant Professor, 1st Orthopedic Clinic of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, at the Orthopedic Center for Research and Education “P.S.Soucacos”. The students had the opportunity to learn and familiarize themselves with the assessment, training and rehabilitation units, and under the guidance of the Sports Excellence scientific staff, participated in evaluations of athletes and sportsmen of various sports. From the fields examined, the isokinetic dynamometer, electromyographic evaluation, the tachodynamic relationship evaluation are mentioned. At the same time, workshops were held on “Lifelong coaching of professional coaches”, online athletes’ monitoring, skills assessment through innovative electronic gaming and fencing training. The students visited the Stavros Niarchos Foundation where, after the presentation of the Foundation and its actions, it followed an interesting discussion with its representatives on the current social issues of Greece. A visit to the training facilities and the Stadium “Karaiskaki” was also planned, and their practical training was completed by participating in the Summer Nostos Festival / #SNFestival at SNFCF. The participants expressed their enthusiasm for the first-ever program in Greece, where they were given the opportunity to broaden their knowledge, to learn about the culture of a European health and sports area and to understand the cultural differences.

Visiting and collaborating with Rutgers University is part of the “Experience Sports Excellence” program that enables Schools, Universities, Associations and individuals to get to know Sports Excellence and sports athletic and scientific support athletes. For further information you can contact se@randp.gr
The “Sports Excellence” program is implemented with the collaboration of the NGO “Regeneration & Progress” under the supervision of the 1st Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Athens University Medical School, ATTIKON General University Hospital, with an exclusive donation from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation